November 12, 2014
EPP Dashboards - Diversity (Standard 4)
Following the 2006 NCATE review, significant changes were made to the EPP Professional Studies Core (PSC). The PSC underwent major changes in 2008-09 as part of revisions mandated by the NCDPI concerning initial licensure programs. Revisions were also made in 2009-10 for advanced teacher licensure programs.

Data includes average candidate performance on GE1 (Teacher Leadership Project) and GE2 (Cultural Proficiency). GE1 scores are based on a 3 point scale, and GE2 Scores are based on a 4 point scale.
The new PSC requires all initial teacher candidates entering Upper Division in fall 2010 to successfully complete diversity in education coursework, either EDUC 3002 or a CTE approved social science course. More recently, the OAA provides grade reports for EDUC 3002 organized by program area to inform course improvements. Likewise, in the NCDPI revised programs, all new MAEd candidates admitted in fall 2011 and afterward, are required to complete a Graduate Evidence Portfolio, as well as a Diversity Advocacy project, as part of the required MAEd core course (EDUC 6001).
All candidates in the EPP are required to complete field experiences and clinical practice (internships). The 38 districts in the LCSN—where ITP candidates are required to complete internship placements—have P-12 student populations averaging 44 percent minority student populations. Many LCSN districts have high percentages of students eligible for free and reduced lunch. Data from NCDPI on ELL’s is not available, but LCSN partners report the increase in Hispanic populations during the past five years correlates to an increase in ELL students in their districts.
In an effort to align with NCATE/CAEP Standard 4, OAA focused two dashboards on the subject of diversity. Standard 4 states:
“The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and provides experiences for candidates to acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates can demonstrate and apply proficiencies related to diversity. Experiences provided for candidates include working with diverse populations, including higher education and P–12 school faculty, candidates, and students in P–12 schools.”
These dashboards provide a summary of advanced programs candidate performance on Graduate Evidence 2, Cultural Proficiency (COE_1.9) and a profile of P-12 student populations in placement schools (COE_1.6).
For more information and examples related to Standard 4, please visit the NCATE/CAEP Exhibit Rooms on the COE Office of Assessment and Accreditation’s website.