November 7, 2014
ICYMI: Implementing edTPA in Small Teacher Prep Programs
In small teacher preparation programs, the issue of implementation and scale-up of using a standardized performance assessment, like edTPA, can be challenging. Peck and McDonald (2013) found one of the most significant outcomes of implementing a standardized performance assessment was faculty-initiated change. In small teacher preparation programs – those with five or fewer faculty and approximately 30 graduates annually – how do faculty lead systemic change in an edTPA implementation with fidelity and rigor?
At the 2013 edTPA Implementation Conference in San Diego, four ECU teacher education faculty shared their experiences and how each is initiating change through their edTPA implementation.
- Barbara Brehm, Birth through Kindergarten Education
- Ann Bullock, Middle Grades Education
- Sharilyn Steadman, English Education
- Michele Wallen, Health Education
Faculty shared models of communication, the development of common signature assessments, content-specific sticking points, and early successes as part of the session. These programs proved that big change can be had with a small, committed team of faculty focused on a common goal.
Learn more about their experiences through video interviews posted on the ECU Pirate CODE-edTPA website or on the national edTPA website at 2013 National edTPA Implementation Conference.
edTPA is a teacher candidate performance assessment used in all initial teacher preparation programs at ECU, supporting the EPP’s efforts to meet NCATE Standards 1 and 2.