November 6, 2014
EPP Dashboards - Field and Clinical Experiences (Standard 3)
“The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school professionals develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to help all students learn.”
In an effort to align with Standard 3 of the Professional Standards for the Accreditation of Teacher Preparation Institutions, OAA focused one of the EPP dashboards on candidate assessments upon entering and existing field and clinical experiences. This dashboard (COE_1.5) shows the percentages of final grades received at the end of the first semester of initial license clinical practice, as well as the final semester of both initial and advanced programs clinical practice.
The EPP faculty are responsible for the design, implementation, and evaluation of field and clinical experiences. Relevant field experiences in diverse schools are designed to be developmental in nature, moving the candidate along a continuum of experiences ensuring readiness for the intensity of clinical practice by extending their ability to analyze data, use technology, and relate to students, families, and communities. Clinical faculty provide regular support for clinical placements via informal feedback and conferencing. Formal observations, completed at designated intervals by university supervisors with direct input from school faculty, ensure collaboration with public school partners on final evaluations. Candidates are also encouraged to reflect on the feedback given to them, to act on the recommendations for improved practice, and to take responsibility for their learning.
Other key exhibits related to field and clinical experiences, which were also noted in Standard 1, include assessments such as the dispositions survey, undergraduate final progress report, and edTPA.
For more information and examples related to Standard 3, please visit the NCATE/CAEP Exhibit Rooms on the COE Office of Assessment and Accreditation’s website.