College of Education's Professional Development for using Educational Technology

The Office of Assessment and Accreditation(OAA) along with COE IT offers professional development geared toward the faculty and staff in the COE.  The workshops cover training on Blackboard, TEMS, social media and the use of video in courses.  Most sessions are offered on Tuesday afternoons under the theme of “Tech Training Tuesdays”.  The workshops are all offered through ECU’s employee training system called Cornerstone (  This allows the faculty to track their professional development through out the year.  More information about professional development available to those in the College of Education is available on the COE Professional Development for Faculty/Staff webpage ( COE requires that all faculty teaching distance education course have 6 hours of PD a year.

In designing training for faculty and staff The OAA gets feedback from faculty on what they want to see for training options.  One of the biggest complaints that the OAA heard from faculty is that they are tired of the “one and done” model of training workshops. In trying to find a solution to this dissatisfaction OAA has decided to run a professional learning community (PLC) pertaining to social media.  The PLC looks at how social media can be used both in the classroom setting and for developing a personal learning  network.  The PLC will meet multiple time during the fall semester and once during the spring.  The hope of running a PLC is that faculty will look to create their own PLC’s in the future on topics that they find relevant for PD.
Fall 2014 COE Professional Development Flier


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