October 1, 2014
Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Dashboard Project Focuses Data Collection

Data includes the number of university supervisors and cooperating teachers who have been assigned to an initial licensure candidate for the final semester of internship, and the percentage holding a license and/or additional training in their supervision area.
Beginning in Fall 2012, the College of Education began collecting and compiling data to be included in the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Dashboard Project. The EPP Dashboards cover all educator preparation programs at ECU, including those in and outside the College of Education. Until this time only university dashboards had been available. After reviewing the NCATE/CAEP Standards, the COE Office of Assessment and Accreditation decided to focus the dashboards on performance measures, collected at different points throughout the program, for both the undergraduate and graduate levels. COE OAA then schedules the dashboards for updating each summer. The most recent updates for the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 academic years will be posted on IPAR’s University Dashboard website no later than October 2014.
The data collected and summarized by COE OAA in the EPP Dashboards include:
- Graduate Evidences 1 and 2
- edTPA
- Final Progress Reports
- Internship Grades
- Senior I Methods Grades
- Diversity of Field Experiences
- Undergraduate Dispositions
- Average GPA at admittance to the program
- Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor Licensure
The EPP Dashboards can be viewed on the University Dashboard website.