April 14, 2014
COE Board Member to Appear in Leo Jenkins Segment

Detail of Leo Jenkins portrait by Sarah Blakeslee
Dr. James Bearden, director of the BB&T Center for Leadership Development and member of the Teaching Fellows and Maynard Scholar Board, will be interviewed in a segment on Dr. Leo Jenkins posthumous University Awards presentation by the UNC Board of Governors. The segment will air Monday, April 14 at 7:30 on UNC-TV during “N.C. Now.”
Under Jenkins’ leadership and advocacy, East Carolina becomes a regional university in 1967 and joins the University of North Carolina system in 1972. Since then, ECU has grown to become an emerging research institution, a pioneer of medical innovation and the third-largest public university in North Carolina.
ECU Chancellor Steve Ballard, “Leo Jenkins was a giant whose legacy lives on in dozens of ways… The only negative that I can think of about Dr. Jenkins is that all chancellors who have succeeded him live in his shadow.”
The full story by ECU news services is also available.
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