April 1, 2014
NCAGT Recognizes ECU AIG Faculty
Two College of Education faculty members were recognized in the North Carolina Association for Gifted & Talented (NCAGT) 40 Years, 40 Faces celebration marking the 40th anniversary of NCAGT at the organization’s 2014 conference that was held on February 27-28, 2014.
Dr. Liz Fogarty, associate professor in the College of Education, was selected for her involvement in NCAGT and their collaboration with NCAGT that resulted in significant contributions to gifted education in N.C. Fogarty served as the NCAGT 2009 conference co-chair and secretary from 2011-2013. Fogarty is also a lifetime member of NCAGT.
Also recognized was Dr. Brian Housand, assistant professor in the College of Education, as one of the 40 Faces of the Future. Housand served as a signature series speaker in addition to presenting several breakout sessions. For more information on the NCAGT 2014 conference and 40 Years, 40 Faces anniversary, visit www.ncagt.org.

Dr. Brian Housand at the 2014 NCAGT Conference in Greensboro, NC. Housand was named one of 40 Faces of the Future.
About ECU’s AIG Add-on Licensure
As with all AIG licenses in the state of North Carolina, the program entails completing four courses. At ECU, our courses run in a four course sequence which begins in the summer and concludes the following summer. All of the courses required by the AIG Licensure Program at ECU are taught online, with the exception of two face-to-face weeks (one the first summer and one the second summer) involving a camp for gifted children.
About ECU/PCS AIG Camp
The ECU/PCS AIG camp is an annual summer camp for Pitt County AIG students. This camp began in 2005 and has grown each year. We will host 120 gifted students this summer. Along with PCS master teachers, ECU faculty and students will offer a week of rigorous enrichment for your child.
This summer’s curriculum theme is INTERACTIONS. Whether the students are learning about photojournalism, robotics, cryptography, or other exciting topics they will investigate numerous aspects of interactions in our world. Following an opening morning session, students will participate in interactions-themed sessions. Students will be able to select topics that match their interests and all topics will include hands-on activities and interactive use of technology. Snacks will be served daily.
For more information, visit the AIG Add-On Licensure website or the ECU Gifted Online Resource. To learn more about AIG camp, visit the ECU/PCS 2014 AIG Camp website.