December 2, 2014
Pirate CODE from A-Z (Part One)
academic language – language used in academic settings and for academic purposes to help students acquire and use knowledge.
beginning teacher – a teacher in the first three years of his or her career.
co-teaching – a teaching technique in which two instructors deliver instruction to a group of students.
dispositions – the attitudes, perceptions and/or beliefs that form the basis for behavior.
Dispositions for teaching include professional demeanor, professional commitment, and professional interactions.
edTPA – a national performance assessment used to determine if a teacher candidate is ready to teach.
The edTPA was designed by the Stanford Center for Access, Learning and Equity (SCALE).
feedback – a reaction or response to a particular process or activity; evaluative information derived from such a response.
grouping – refers to students working together to accomplish a common goal or purpose; also known as cooperative learning.
Think-Pair-Share and Jigsaw are two grouping strategies covered in ISLES.
handbook – the document that provides instructions for teacher candidates in developing their edTPA portfolios.
The edTPA handbooks are subject-specific, yet have a similar structure regardless of content area.
instructional coach – an educator who is hired to specifically work with teacher candidates during their internship.
jigsaw – a cooperative learning strategy that involves placing students in both a “home” group and an “expert” group; students complete a task in their expert group, and then share what they have learned with the members of the home group.
knowledge – the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience of association.
An effective teacher needs both content and pedagogical knowledge.
- content knowledge – knowledge about the actual subject matter to be learned or taught; actual subject matter such as language arts, mathematics, and music.
- pedagogical knowledge – knowledge about the processes and practices or methods of teaching and learning.
learning segment – a set of 3-5 lessons (or hours of instruction) that build upon one another toward a central focus.
Teacher candidates plan, instruct and assess a learning segment as part of the edTPA.
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