Pirate CODE from A-Z (Part Two)


multiple measures – the use of multiple indicators and sources of evidence of student learning. The edTPA is a multiple measure assessment.


NCPTS (North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards) – a description of the necessary knowledge, skills and dispositions for teachers in North Carolina public schools.

The NCPTS can be found at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/effectiveness-model/ncees/standards/prof-teach-standards.pdf


observation protocol – an advance organizer used by teacher candidates when observing inservice teachers.


portfolio – a collection of student work compiled over a period of time and used for assessing performance and/or progress.


quality – a high value of value or excellence.
Several of the Pirate CODE innovations were developed as part of the COE’s Teacher Quality Partnership (TQP) initiative.


rubric – a guide for listing specific criteria for evaluating academic papers, projects or tests.


summative assessment – tests, projects and performances that are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period.


TEMS (Teacher Education Management System) – on online database of information about ECU teacher candidates.


upper division – the official step in applying and being formally admitted into the teacher education program.


Video Grand Rounds – a component of the Early Experience course in which teacher candidates view video segments of typical classrooms, complete structured observation protocols, and debrief with faculty regarding their observations.

Video Grand Rounds is currently part of the Early Experience course in the following program areas:

  • Birth-Kindergarten Education
  • Business and Information Technology Education
  •  Elementary Education
  • English Education
  • Health Education
  • Special Education


walkthrough – a formative assessment conducted by an instructional coach while observing an intern teaching.


eXcellence – the state of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree.
“Achieving Excellence through Partnership” is the overriding theme of our EPP Conceptual Framework.

(See http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/ConceptualFramework.cfm for more. )


year-long internship – a student teaching experience that takes place over two semesters.


zone of proximal development (ZDP) – is an area of learning that occurs when a student is assisted by a teacher or peer with a higher skill set of the subject.

The concept of the ZPD was developed by psychologist Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934).

Pirate Code from A-Z Part 1


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