August 6, 2014
Dr. Robin Hamilton Receives the 2014 Glatthorn Distinguished Dissertation Award

2014 Glatthorn Award Recipient Dr. Robin Hamilton, Mrs. Barbara Glatthorn, and Chair of the Department of Educational Leadership Dr. Art Rouse
The Glatthorn Dissertation Award is awarded to the student who has the most outstanding dissertation in the Department of Educational Leadership, as selected by a committee of faculty from the department. The award was established by and is now given in memory of Dr. Allan Glatthorn.
On Tuesday, July 29, 2014 Dr. Robin Hamilton was recognized for her dissertation, “A Comparative Case Study of Kindergarten Transition Practices and The Impact on Children’s Kindergarten Readiness” under the direction of Dr. William Rouse, Jr. which she completed in fall 2013. Mrs. Barbara Glatthorn was in attendance to congratulate and present the award to Dr. Hamilton. Other attendees included faculty and staff from the Department of Educational Leadership and the College of Education and family members of Dr. Hamilton and Mrs. Glatthorn.